Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lynette's Update

Yeah, so I've completely given up being vegan.  I don't have the kind of willpower that Samm does.  I can't help it - I LOVE dairy, and I LOVE meat.  I'm still trying to incorporate a lot more fruits and veggies into my diet, but it's tough - I just don't like cooking if I'm not sure what the outcome is going to be.  I am so busy, so I hate wasting time on a meal that I don't want to eat!  I do love making salads, but I also feel like I'm adding a lot of fat with the dressing. 

Plus, my husband broke our food processor a few months ago, and I have yet to go out and get a new one.  Once I do, however, I plan on trying to recreate the avocado dressing that Borrowed Earth Cafe puts on their salads.  Now that it's starting to warm up, I think it will be much easier to eat a lot of salads and fruit compotes and things like that.  During the winter I just want warm soup, and thick bread.

I did stick with the 21 days, though, and that's what I set out to do.  I also know how to make cheeseless recipes for my lactose-intolerant husband.  And, we only drink rice milk or almond milk now instead of lactose-free milk (him) or skim milk (me).   I have so much respect for Samm for continuing with her vegan diet.  It's so tough!
